Samples for the minimalization exercise 简化字母的两个设计案例。
However , simplified characters that carry other meanings will be exempted from this criteria 若该简化字本身尚有其他身分则另当别论例如:虽然
This section of the test is presented in two writing systems : traditional characters and simplified characters 这部分每道题都分别以正体字和简化字两种型态同时列出在试卷上,考生只需会其中一种就能作答。
Note : as a principle of simplifying chinese characters in mainland china , there is a defined relationship between simplified characters and traditional characters 注:根据内地简化汉字的精神,简化字与繁体字之间有固定的对应关系。
Simplified chinese has imposed great impact upon the development of chinese language , but there exist some problems which should be coped with actively 摘要简化字给中国语言文字应用带来了巨大的影响,对于简化字使用中存在的现实问题,我们应积极地解决。
On the basis of keeping it in its general stability , simplified chinese should be adjusted in some parts and strengthened in its specifications so as to make chinese not only conform to the law of language development and facilitate its use and regulation as well 简化字应在保持总体稳定的基础上,局部微调,加强规范,使汉字既符合自身的发展规律,又更加便于使用和管理。
This section of the test is presented in four columns across two pages to allow each question to be shown in four different ways of representing chinese : traditional characters , simplified characters , pinyin romanization , and the chinese phonetical phabet ( bopomofo ) 这部分每道题都分别以正体字、简化字、汉语拼音及注音符号四种型态同时列出在相对应的两页试卷上,考生只需会其中一种就能作答。