| 1. | There is the problem of manager succession . 这有管理者的接替问题。 |
| 2. | The manager has had nowhere to turn for help . 管理者却无处寻求帮助。 |
| 3. | The manager is in a kind of loop . 管理者处于某种环形道之中。 |
| 4. | Developing a manager is a progressive process . 管理者的培养是一个进步的过程。 |
| 5. | Managers seem to cherish "soft" information . 管理者们似乎对“软”信息怀有好感。 |
| 6. | Of course, every manager must make decisions . 理所当然,每一个管理者都必须作出决策。 |
| 7. | Every manager must motivate and encourage his employees . 每个管理者都必须激励和鼓励他的雇员。 |
| 8. | The effective manager has no regular duties to perform . 高效率的管理者不需要完成经常性的任务。 |
| 9. | We would not regard the leaders of a mob as managers . 我们不能把一群乌合之众的头头当作管理者。 |
| 10. | If you were a manager, would you decentralize authority ? 如果你是一位管理者,你愿意实行分权吗? |