| 1. | Some issues on the reform of the marketization of the grains 粮食市场化改革问题探索 |
| 2. | Some thought 0n the grain brokers and broker system 对新市场主体和一项新粮食市场制度的探讨 |
| 3. | Arbitrage , transaction costs , and autarky : china ' s grain market development 交易成本和贸易中断看中国粮食市场的发育 |
| 4. | Develop the grain market in countryside and to serve new countryside construc tion 开发农村粮食市场为建设新农村服务 |
| 5. | On the function and the reform of the government in the development of the west 粮食市场化改革新进展与粮食供求的基本态势 |
| 6. | At last , chapter 8 makes comments on grain policies of different periods 第四部分为本文的下篇? ?粮食市场与政府政策的耦合。 |
| 7. | The case study of management of grain market in gmd dominant area in guangdong province in the war time 抗战时期广东国统区粮食市场管理的个案考察 |
| 8. | An analysis of the grain markets and commodity grain supplies of guizhou province from the 1920s to the 1930s 20世纪二三十年代贵州粮食市场和商品粮食数量分析 |
| 9. | It happens to be africa ' s second biggest maize producer and a big wheat producer too 它恰巧也是非洲第二大玉米生产国及小麦生产大国,可首都亚的斯亚贝巴的粮食市场却又脏乱不堪。 |
| 10. | So it is of great importance to research on the effects of such grain market reform policy 因此如何研究粮食市场化改革对浙江农业结构变动的影响问题,将具有重大的现实和理论意义。 |