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English translation for "精神愉快"

keep the mind at ease
maintain good spirit

Related Translations:
今天过得愉快吗:  did you have a good time
精神:  精神1.(指人的意识, 思维活动和一般心理状态) spirit; mind; consciousness 短语和例子国际主义精神 the spirit of internationalism; 给予精神上的支持 give moral support; 精神上的负担 have on one's mind; be troubled by; 提高精神境界 acquire a br
精神天赋:  favored of the spirits
团体精神:  e irt de corespirt de corpsesprit de corpsgroup spiritteam spirit
精神依赖性:  psyche dependencepsychic dependenceychic dependence
精神药物:  psychoactive drugpsychotropic agent(drug)psychotropic agentspsychotropic drugs
精神好:  morning call
精神可嘉:  one's spirit is splendid [great]
提升精神:  spr up
精神贯注:  concentrate one's attention on [upon]
Example Sentences:
1.With all my strength i desire for you a spirit well and calm .
2.He felt fine today; sound and good and unworried and happy .
3.Which idiom describes a carefree spirit
4.Want to make they feel spirit is happy , pleasurable
5.Maybe you like the soaring euphoric cerebral qualities that will leave you in a hazed fluster
6.Having a good constitution is the basis of your studying and career , and it also makes you and your parents feel good
7.Having a good constitution is the basis of your studying and career , and it also makes you and your parents feel good
8.The recognition you have received is well deserved . ability as yours can not be hidden for long . i hope that in the performance of your new duties , you may enjoy the best of health and spirits
9.We hope this message finds you in good health and spirits . may you enjoy a long and healthy life , so that people the world over can benefit from your humanitarian work for years to come . with best wishes ,
10.You want wide make friend , often look for a friend to chat , the communication of confide in sb or bend are narrated not only the friendship that can enhance people and accredit , can make your spirit free from worry more , trouble uses up disappear
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