| 1. | The auction house expects the seven pieces to sell for tens of thousands of pounds each 索思比希望此次拍卖的本克西的7件涂鸦作品每件的价格都能达到数万英镑。 |
| 2. | This is the second time banksy ' s work has been sold at sotheby ' s . a series of prints of the supermodel kate moss was auctioned last october 这是索思比第二次拍卖班克斯的作品。去年10月,索思比拍卖了本克西创作的一系列英国超级名模凯特?摩斯的画像。 |
| 3. | The third is in the museum of modern art . so the met has sold what is , in effect , a duplicate , making the final auction price all the more astonishing 索思比拍卖行对这幅池塘月光估价为70万美元至100万美元,但该作品最后卖出了290万美元的惊人高价。 |
| 4. | Steichen ' s work is sought after by private collectors - this is the kind of landscape that usually only museums can acquire . only three prints of this photograph are known to exist 就目前所知,这幅照片在世界上只有3张印刷版本,此次在索思比拍卖的为其中之一。 |
| 5. | In 1994 a wildlife ranger , david noble , who was climbing in the blue mountains , new south wales , found a grove of trees thought to have been extinct for millions of years 据英国每日电讯10月22日报道,世界拍卖行巨头索思比将拍卖300株高2 . 7米树龄为6年的瓦勒迈杉树苗。 |
| 6. | The 80 - page manuscript for a piano version of grosse fuge , thought to have been written by beethoven himself , dates from the final months of his life when he was completely deaf 全球拍卖行巨头索思比13日称,新近发现的贝多芬大赋格钢琴用乐谱的预计竞拍价可达260万美元。 |
| 7. | The manuscript last surfaced at an auction in berlin in 1890 where it appears to have been purchased by william howard doane , a cincinnati industrialist and hymn writer 它将于12月1日在伦敦的索思比拍卖行被拍卖,在湮没115年之后,这份名人巨作手稿预计竞拍价将达到260万美元。 |
| 8. | Admiral horatio nelson ' s one - sleeved undershirt , possibly the only piece of the british war hero ' s clothing still in private hands , will be auctioned off next month in london , sotheby ' s said on friday 世界著名的索思比拍卖公司9月23日表示,被誉为近百年来世界10大军事统帅之一的英国著名军事家霍雷肖?纳尔逊上将的一件汗衫将于下个月在伦敦被拍卖。 |
| 9. | The pond - moonlight by edward steichen , taken on long island in 1904 , broke the world record price for a photograph when it was sold for more than 2 . 9m ? 1 . 67m at a two - day sotheby ' s sale which began in new york last night 美国摄影家爱德华斯泰肯1879 1973于1904年摄于长岛的池塘月光,日前在纽约索思比拍卖行创下了290万美元的照片拍卖世界纪录。 |
| 10. | Justin miller , the chairman of sotheby ' s in australia , said there had been great interest from british landowners . " wollemi pines are the pandas of the plant world , " he said . " they are very rare and they have captured the public imagination 索思比澳大利亚拍卖行主席贾斯汀米勒透露说: “瓦勒迈杉在植物界的地位如同动物界中的熊猫,它非常稀有,所以已经引起了人们的极大兴趣。 |