Redistribution of land was a fundamental of red policy . 重新分配土地是红区政策中的一个根本要素。
And comer over the redzone 库玛越过了红区( 20码线)
Zittrain says the green and red zones would be insulated from each other 斯特兰表示,绿区和红区将会彼此隔离。
" red zones " would be the riskier computer environments , where internet browsers and everyday computer programs would be stored “红区”则是危险性更大的电脑环境,那里有因特网浏览者以及日新月异的程序。
Everything north of it , except strips of territory along the main highways , and some points which will be noted later , was already dyed red 在西安府以北大约150英里的一个市镇? ?洛川,当时是陕西红区的起点。
As an alternative , zittrain recommends that the operational architecture of personal and business computers be divided into " green zones " and " red zones . 作为一种替代的办法,斯特兰建议把个人和商业电脑的运行结构分为“绿区”和“红区” 。