I'm very suspicious of a man who fusses much with his hair . 我对于一个为了头发折腾个没完的人是颇感纳罕的。
I often wondered how i had conceived that old idea of his inaptitude . 我常常纳罕,我以前怎么竟会认为他才干不足呢!
Magnus and annixter joined the group wondering, and all at once fell full upon the first scene of a drama . 曼克奈斯和安尼克斯特走进那个人堆里去,心里纳罕着,可是一眨睛工夫就清清楚楚的看到了一出戏的第一场。
The abbot and his monks were assembled in the great hall, observing with childish wonder and faith the performances of a new magician, a fresh arrival . 方丈和众僧都聚集在大厅里,瞧一位新来乍到的魔术家表演魔术,那么纳罕称奇,那么容易受骗,简直就跟小孩子一样。
He asked the clerk , who looked at him curiously for a moment 他问办事员,那人很纳罕,打量了他一会儿。
Los angeles angels of anaheim 洛杉矶安纳罕天使队
Ham , the father of canaan , saw the nakedness of his father , and told his two brothers outside 客纳罕的父亲含看见了父亲赤身露体,遂去告诉外面的两个兄弟。
Joseph is eighteen years old and works the night shift in our maintenance department until 2 : 30 am 他清晨两点半下班,今年十八岁,住在安纳罕,他名叫耶稣。
Rookie chien - ming wang allowed four runs - - one earned - - over 6 2 / 3 innings , keeping his team in the game 安纳罕报导?洋基队在星期三晚上于天使队主场- -天使球场。
The neighborns would stop to admire the huge crop of vegetables and puzzle over their own gardens weren ' t doing well 邻居们都驻足羡慕里面生长丰盛的蔬菜,纳罕怎么自己花园的长势就没有这么喜人。