| 1. | The unbalance in the change of naxi ethnic culture 纳西族文化变迁中的非均衡性 |
| 2. | On common characteristics of mentality of the naxi nationality 论纳西族的共同心理特征 |
| 3. | Basic characteristics of the naxi colour culture 纳西族色彩文化的基本特征 |
| 4. | Naxizu costume and adornment - integrating beauty and utility 美用一体化的纳西族民俗服饰 |
| 5. | Studies of nasi students learning putonghua 纳西族学生学习普通话教学研究 |
| 6. | A summary of naxi studies in the past ten years 近十余年纳西族研究综述 |
| 7. | Naxizu medicine and pharmacy were tentatively put in order 纳西族东巴医药学的初步整理研究 |
| 8. | The restricted mechanism of the tint culture of naxi nationality 纳西族色彩文化制约机制谈 |
| 9. | The development trend of dongba - culture studies of the naxi nationality 纳西族东巴文化研究发展趋势 |
| 10. | The development of emotion understanding in naxi and han children 纳西族和汉族儿童情绪理解能力的发展 |