Nowadays the method of double - side tig erect welding is adopted in the air - separate equipments largely 目前铝制空分设备的纵焊缝大都是采用双人双面tig立焊。
The number of inspected air holes often exceed the limitation of standard if the ready task of cleaning up before welding has not been done completely . automation of welding will be a necessary trend in order to improve the work condition and enhance the quality of welding 鉴于焊接工人的劳动环境改善以及焊接质量的提高,焊接自动化是一个发展的必然趋势,目前国内外虽然对自动tig焊研究较多,但是针对中厚壁铝合金纵焊缝的双面tig自动立焊仍是空白。