关于禁止使用细菌武器的日内瓦议定书: geneva protocol for the prohibition of the use of bacterial weapons
Example Sentences:
The use of bacteriological weapons is a clear violation of international law 使用细菌武器显然是违反国际法的
These are designed to produce germ warfare agents , and can be moved from place to a place to evade inspectors 这些试验室用于生产细菌武器制剂,并可四处搬迁以躲避核查人员。
Materials on the trial of former serviceman of the japanese army charged with manufacturing and employing bacteriological weapons , foreign languages publishing house , moscow , 1950 《前日本陆军军人因准备和使用细菌武器被控案审判材料》 ,莫斯科:外国文书籍出版局, 1950 。
It must have a guarantee of safety , not only against the offenders in the atomic area but against the illegal users of other weapons - bacteriological , biological , gas - perhaps and why not 它必须得到安全保证,制止用原子能作?进攻武器,而且制止其它武器细菌武器、生物武器、毒气的非法使用,或许?什麽不?
Garbage , dejection and rot materials active and reproductive place forfiics . theirlittle bodies could take a lot of bacteria and pollute your food dishware at any moment , and you are harmed unconsciously by these bacteria weapon 人类最惟恐避之不及的地方(垃圾、粪便、腐烂物)却是它们活动繁殖的乐园,它们小小的个体可能携带着世界上种类、数量最多的细菌,随着寻找您的食物和餐具“空投”他们的致命炸弹,让你不知不觉中了细菌武器的伤害。