| 1. | The fundamental features of wang fu - zhi ' s classics - learning 王夫之经学的基本特征 |
| 2. | Development stages and schools of sinology during the qing dynasty 经学与词学之统合 |
| 3. | Narrating and discussing of daiwangjingxue study of confucian classics 戴望经学述论 |
| 4. | Zhang taiyan and the academic history of the qing dynasty 章太炎经学诠释思想方法研究 |
| 5. | A new annotation to wang chuanshan ' s study of confucian classics 王夫之经学的新诠释 |
| 6. | Ruan yuan and the new text scholarship in qing dynasty 阮元与清代今文经学 |
| 7. | Three subjects about the study of confucian classics in han dynastty 汉代经学简议三题 |
| 8. | Experimental economics and 2002 ' s nobel economics prize 实验经学与2002年诺贝尔经济学奖 |
| 9. | On kang youwei ' research on the jinwen theory 试论康有为对今文经学的研究 |
| 10. | A study on the life story of hua shou and his works 经学的传承与著述考略 |