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English translation for "结成联盟"

make an alliance

Related Translations:
结成:  form; enter into 短语和例子结成深厚的友谊 form [forge] a profound friendship; 结成同盟 form an alliance; become allies; 结成一伙 gang up; band together; 结成最广泛的统一战线 form the broadest possible united front
结成一伙:  gang upband together
结成伉俪:  become married couple of a pair
结成夫妇:  knot
结成球:  balling
结成一体:  consolidate
结成同盟:  federate
结成策略联盟:  form a strategic alliance
熔结成型:  fusion moldingfusion moulding
结成凝胶:  gelation
Example Sentences:
1.The nations leagued together to stop the war .
2.Leagues are commonly made for mutual defense .
3.He aligned himself with the liberals .
4.They should have clasped hands; but how could they know ?
5.The two parties have united to form a coalition
6.The other nations are forming a federation
7.Any union of the cities may undermine hong kong s autonomy
8.The farmers are forming a combination to market their goods at fair price
9.While we are talking and debating , the opposition is even now forming an alliance with the dissidents in order to overthrow the established government
10.Then , in the 1970s , the giants allied themselves with voldemort and were responsible for many of the war ' s worst incidents of killing and torture , especially of muggles
Similar Words:
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