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English translation for "结晶习性"

crystal habit

Related Translations:
养护野生物和自然习性公约:  convention on the conservation of wildlife and natural habits
结晶氧化铝:  crystal alumina
结晶习惯:  crystal habit
结晶冰糖:  crystal candy sugar
结晶剂:  crystallizing agent
结晶橡胶:  crystalline rubber
结晶化学分析:  crystal chemistry analysiscrystalchemistryanalysiscrystallochemical analysis
结晶键:  crystal bridge
结晶熔化:  watery fusion
延迟结晶:  delayed crystallization
Example Sentences:
1.In addition , the growth temperature of films in high substrate temperature process is more similar to that of the single crystal growth in which the hexagonal system shows the sheet growth habit
2.A ) the orientation of hbn on si ( 100 ) was dominated intrinsically by the crystalline habit and the lattice mismatch between the substrate and films . the former was dominated by the periodical bond chain ( pbc ) theory , while the latter was in relation with the stress and strain
A ) hbn在si ( 100 )表面的取向受hbn自身结晶习性和它与衬底间的晶格匹配关系的控制,前者是受周期性键链( pbc )理论控制,后者与应力和应变有一定关系。
3.Hexadecyl hydrogen maleate ( hhm ) is a new kind of analyzer crystal for soft x - ray spectroscopy , with a large 2d spacing of 58 . 58a . hhm is hoped to give a better growth habit than octadecyl hydrogen maleate ( ohm ) , because of its shorter chain length and narrower 2d spacing . in this paper , a large hhm single crystal of dimensions 60mm x 40mm x 3mm was obtained in the benzene solution by lowing the solution temperature
马来酸氢十六酯( hhm )是一种新型的软x ?射线分光晶体,晶面间距2d等于58 . 58a ,与ohm (马来酸氢十八酯)属同一系列分光晶体,碳链的缩短、晶面间距的减小有望给出比ohm更好的生长和结晶习性
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