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English translation for "结束"

[ jiéshù, jiéshu ] 
finish; closure; foreclosure; end; terminate; conclude; wind up; close; come to an end; come to a close; put an end to; abolish; bring sth. to a close; draw to a close; make an end of sth.; bring (the matter) to an early conclusion; in conclusion; come to a conclusion; at the conclusion of; put a termination to sth.; come to a termination; bring sth. to a termination; break off; see the last of sth. over and done with; put paid to; be over 短语和例子

Related Translations:
结束定界符:  ed end delimiter
提前结束:  early termination
晚会结束:  the party is overthe party's over
结束部位:  closing a position
要结束:  close 1
作业结束:  end of jobend-of-job
结束程序:  termination routine
跑步结束:  running finished
宣告结束:  pack it in
结束争吵:  end the quarrel
Example Sentences:
1.It can break up a bad traffic snarl .
2.The theatre was empty after the show .
3.I've been through it, and it is over .
4.But the immediate crisis was soon over .
5.At half-time the advantage lay with them .
6.The army pulled back after the battle .
7.They have decreed an end to all this fighting .
8.He was all in at the end of the race .
9.A bullet through the heart ended him .
10.Their long struggle ended in failure .
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