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English translation for "结束游戏"

exit game

Related Translations:
结束定界符:  ed end delimiter
提前结束:  early termination
晚会结束:  the party is overthe party's over
结束部位:  closing a position
要结束:  close 1
作业结束:  end of jobend-of-job
结束程序:  termination routine
跑步结束:  running finished
宣告结束:  pack it in
结束争吵:  end the quarrel
Example Sentences:
1.What cards are - - i ' m going to finish this right now
-什么牌? -我现在要结束游戏
2.I know , but they should have gotten a game over
3.They ' ll get a game over and be evacuated from the game
4.They can end the game at any time
5.After four wrong guesses , professor clever falls to the floor and the game ends
四次机会以后, professor clever将滑到在地板上结束游戏
6.Disc 3 : one breath , red museum , colony , end game ( with audio commentary by frank spotnitz )
7.Otherwise , you may end up with a troop of journeyman actors for whom this will be the highlight of their career
8.Make sure the person can play : nothing is more frustrating than wanting to keep playing but not realizing how to do something that is necessary
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