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English translation for "结构学"

Example Sentences:
1.Theory researches on essential factors of rule - changing of literature theories
2.The study of the visible universe that includes geography and astronomy
3.A lot of subjects , such as science of materials and structures , electrotechnics , signal processing , are involved in this research
4.The paper is theoretically based on modern network optimization , including graph theory , optimization , operation research , network management
5.Ms : well , um , i ' ve always been interested in , uh , structure , geometry . how things fit together . how an object that , uh , performs a function can . . . also be a work of art
6.( 1 ) the dissertation creatively initiates a new subject called " corporate governance " and has a scientific definition on it ' s studying objective and some basic concepts , which , are of great difference from those of the predecessors
本文的研究成果主要体现在以下几个方面: ( 1 )本文从学科分类的方法论和概念的历史发展出发,经过认真的分析,倡导成立一门新的学科? ? 《企业法人治理结构学》 ,并对它的研究对象和有关的基本概念作了科学的界定。
7.The growth morphology of cu - cr eutectic are studied . during the process of eutectic growth , ( + ) growth is clinging to a phase . because cu - cr eutectic have very good coupling relation , the configuration of eutectic holds crystallography structure , and the influence of the direction of heat flow is not distinct
2揭示了cu - cr共晶的生长形态,发现其在共晶生长过程中,共晶体( + )依附在相上生长; cu - cr因有较好的共格关系,其共晶形貌按照其结晶结构学特点生长,定向凝固下热流的方向影响不显著。
8.For example , frp reinforced concrete is used to support or surround magnetic resonance imaging ( mri ) medical equipment , and frp is also used for the constructions of some seawalls , industrial roof decks , base pads for electrical and reactor equipment , anchor in rock and ground engineering and concrete floor slabs in aggressive chemical environments in order to promote the wide usage of frp and frp reinforced concrete structures , financed cooperatively by nationa l natural science foundation ( item : the research on mechanical performance of frp reinforced concrete beam reinforced ; number : 59978046 ) and henan illustrious youth science foundation , connected with the analysis methods of modern steel reinforced concrete structure , the thesis further studies the flexural performance of frp reinforced concrete beam through the systematic study on experimental data got from this kind of beams , systematically establishes the theoretical calculating system of the flexural performance of frp reinforced concrete beam in cooperation with the up - to - date analytical methods for reinforced concrete , which suits the properties of frp
例如,纤维增强塑料筋应用于支撑和围绕磁共振成像医疗设备的混凝土中及海堤、工业顶棚、电设备、反应设备的基座、岩土工程中的锚杆、侵蚀性环境的混凝土结构等海洋工程、桥梁工程、路面工程、岩土工程、医疗及化工工程的建设。为了推动纤维增强塑料筋及其混凝土结构在工程中的广泛应用,本文在国家自然科学基金(项目名称:纤维增强塑料筋混凝土梁力学性能的研究;编号: 59978046 )和河南省杰出青年基金的资助下,通过对纤维增强塑料筋混凝土梁正截面受弯性能试验数据的系统分析,结合现代钢筋混凝土结构学的分析方法,对纤维增强塑料筋混凝土梁正截面受弯性能进行了深入的研究,较系统的建立了适合于纤维增强塑料筋特点的纤维增强塑料筋混凝土梁正截面受弯性能的理论计算体系。
9.During the operation of equipments in the modern industry , the interaction of fatigue - creep under complex condition is often the cause of the failure of equipments . for the other side , with the rapid development of science and technology , the study like this is booming , and the subject is becoming an integrated subject including macro - mechanics , metal microstructure and so on
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