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English translation for "结构工资制"

composite wage system
structual wage system

Related Translations:
工资表:  pay schedulepay sheetpayroll registerpayroll sheetwage schedulewage sheetwages sheet
工资员:  payroll
工资税卡:  lohnsteuerkarte
工资定律:  law of wages
工资削减:  pay cutpay-cut
工资额:  amount of wages
标准工资:  standard salarystandard wages
发工资:  payoff
腐工资:  floating wageswage in sliding scale
工资存根:  pay stub
Example Sentences:
1.Structual wage system
2.Putting the framework salary system ( fss ) into effect as a reform of the school ' s interior management system is very important on stimulating teachers , as a result it can make them more active and creative
3.Considering thoroughly from the angles of management , psychology and education , we can find the problem in the prevailing salary system by studying the cases of functioning mode of salary system in the middle and primary school , fujian province
4.By the analysis , research and compare of the old wages system in company dc , this paper finds out the problems with salary management . then it brief introduces wages theory and motivation theory . it researches the essence , characteristic , functions , influence factors , basic forms , basic principles and so on
5.Based on this theory research , we through analyzing the company " compensation actual condition , make sure the developing phase of the company , fond the existent problem , combined with management practice , take professional skill , finally put forward an all new compensation system including : design of the executive annually compensation system , the design of the employee structure compensation system , the design of the sale personnel ' s deducting compensation system . it is expected that this study will be helpful to guide both theory and practice and develop the level of human resources management
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