| 1. | What is this ? come as your favorite endangered species 这是什么?带着你最喜欢的绝种动物一起吗? |
| 2. | What is this ? come as your favorite endangered species 这是什么?带着你最喜欢的绝种动物一起吗? |
| 3. | The u . s . endangered species act 美国濒临绝种动物条例 |
| 4. | With only 40 individuals left in the wild , the far eastern leopard is on the brink of extinction 现今全球只剩下40头的野生远东豹,属于濒临绝种动物。 |
| 5. | The endangered species act has provided iconic examples of advocates talking past one another 濒临绝种动物法案中,就提供了律师相互推诿责任的?例。 |
| 6. | Strictly protected as an endangered species , the magnificent bengal tiger is nonetheless a common target for poachers 濒临绝种动物,被视为保护对象,美丽的孟加拉虎,通常是猎杀者的目标。 |
| 7. | Meet the lovely giant pandas , an an and jia jia at ocean park ! did you know giant pandas in the wild are highly endangered animals 大熊猫是濒危绝种动物,也是中国的国宝,一家同游,可加深对大自然生态及动物保育的认识。 |
| 8. | Its black - and - white fur and lovable sitting pose have won the universal adoration and made it the most loved vulnerable and endangered species in the world 黑白对比的毛色以及可爱的坐姿使得这种稀世珍兽人见人爱,成为举世关注的濒临绝种动物。 |
| 9. | The truth about caves is much more interesting than their role in fiction and legend . they are inhabited by strange and uniquely adapted life , and they abound with geologic treasures . moreover , caves are a gateway to the past , to the lives of ancient man and extinct animals 洞穴的真正面貌要比小说的描述更为有趣:洞穴内有奇特的生物栖息,这些生物会为适应洞穴的环境而作出绝妙的配合洞穴内满布奇岩异石,是地质学的宝库洞穴更是通往研究远古人类与绝种动物遗迹的蹊径。 |