| 1. | The first part deals with the history of china ' s participation in pkos 第一部分梳理了中国参与联合国维持和平行动的历史轨迹。 |
| 2. | Adhering to the above principles , china has participated in un peace - keeping operations 中国本着上述精神参与了联合国维持和平行动方面的活动。 |
| 3. | Peacekeeping is not a tool for every situation or a substitute for other forms of action by the international community 维持和平行动并不是在一切情况下都可以使用的手段,也不能取代国际社会的其他行动。 |
| 4. | Peacekeeping operations ( pkos ) is one of the important and efficient means to maintain international peace and security by the united nations 联合国维持和平行动是联合国履行其维护国际和平与安全责任的一个重要而有效的手段。 |
| 5. | Combined with the new characteristics and trends in the post - cold war era , this paper gives a specialized study on china ' s participation in the pkos 本文结合冷战后联合国维和行动出现的新特点和新趋势,针对中国参与联合国维持和平行动的范畴展开专题研究。 |
| 6. | Furthermore , the un ' s pko experience in these two cases has set up an example for southeast asian states which have been looking for resolution models of regional security questions 另外,联合国在两地进行的维持和平行动对于现阶段积极寻求透过国际或区域争端解决机制来解决区域安全问题的东南亚各国而言,具有一定的示范效果。 |
| 7. | The scale provides for a higher assessment on the five permanent members of the security council , which hold the power to veto council decisions and , as stressed by the assembly , have " special responsibilities " towards peacekeeping operations 在维和预算摊派比例表中,安全理事会五个有权否决理事会决定的常任理事国的分摊额较高;大会强调指出,这五个常任理事国对维持和平行动负有“特殊责任” 。 |
| 8. | The peacekeeping operation is a great creation as to the un functions of maintaining world peace and security . over half a century , the un peacekeeping operations have contributed immensely to the conflicts settlement and world peace , and will continue its role into the new century 维持和平行动是联合国在行使维持国际和平与安全这项职能中的伟大创举, 50多年来联合国维和行动为促进冲突解决、维护世界和平做出了贡献,在新的世纪里还将继续进行下去。 |