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English translation for "美国中西部的"


Related Translations:
中西部:  middle westmidwest
中西航空:  midwest airlines
中西别:  nakanishibetsu
中西米黄:  zhong xi beige
中西药品:  pharmaceuticals
中西地区:  regio centro-oeste
中西联盟:  midwest league
中西部地区:  central and western regionscentralandwesternregio
中西部大学:  midwestern university
中西闻见录:  the peking magazine
Example Sentences:
1.Range of alembic distilled vodkas made entirely from midwest grain
2.Giant machines reap the wheat grown in the midwestern united states
3.Giant machines reap the wheat grown in the mid western united states
4.Young people from the middle west created a new musical form during this time
5.The winners work at a meat processing plant in the mid - western state of nebraska
6.He grew up in the midwestern state of indiana and attended college and law school at harvard
7.His earlier stories , as collected in boy life on the prairie ( 1899 ) , deal with farm life in the middle west
他早期的短篇小说集《草原上的童年》 ( 1899 )反映美国中西部的农场生活。
8.Now , 30 years later , wolf populations in the midwestern united states have recovered enough to end their protected status
9.Now , 30 years later , wolf populations in the midwestern united states have recovered enough to end their protected status
现在, 30年后,狼在美国中西部的数量已经恢复到足够,能解除他们的保护地位了。
10.Now , 30 years later , wolf populations in the midwestern united states have recovered enough to end their protected status
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