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English translation for "翠绿色的"

verdant - sterile

Related Translations:
翠绿色:  emeraldjade greenparis greenviridian
翠绿色结晶体:  green emerald crystal
翠绿色布:  emerald green cloth
浅翠绿色的帘子:  curtains of bright emerald green
Example Sentences:
1.That emerald curtain doesn ' t match the floor
2.The invasion of the emerald ash borer was first discovered near detroit , michigan , in 2002
3.Its whole body assumes the deep black , likes jet the midnight ; the first chest actually has a group green jade green glistening , dazzles very much , has resembles baby ' s scarf
4.His dreams hover over the emerald green of the trees - the same trees that the old chinese masters painted through the centuries , the same trees that inspired leonardo when he painted them in the background of his portraits
人的梦, ? ?缭绕于翠绿色的林木间;而这些林木,就是千百年来中国画师们所绘的林木;也就是这同样的林木,赋予达文西灵感,把它们画进了人像画的背景之中。
5.The huntsman standing in the hollow started off and let his dogs go , and nikolay saw the red , uncouth - looking fox hurrying along close to the ground , with its bushy tail , through the green corn . the dogs bore down on it
6.Beyond the railing , in front of the house , was a green lawn as smooth as velvet , and , behind the building , a small wood full of mysterious hideaways , where each morning all traces of the previous evening s passage would surely be all mossed over
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