1.(听得清,看得明) (of old people) have good ears and eyes; able to see and hear clearly; can hear and see well; have good sight and an exquisite sense of hearing; have sharp ears and eyes; quick at hearing and seeing; 2.(头脑清楚, 眼光敏锐) have a thorough grasp of the situation; very perceptive
Example Sentences:
And don ' t try to sneak past me . i have ears like a cat and eyes like a rodent 可别想偷偷溜走哦.我可是耳聪目明
And don ' t try to sneak past me . i have ears iike a cat and eyes iike a rodent 可别想偷偷溜走哦.我可是耳聪目明
Emily is a londoner born and bred and , for a woman some years past the allotted span , of a truly remarkable vigour and alertness 埃米莉生在伦敦长在伦敦,虽已年逾古稀,但实在令人惊讶的是,她仍精力充沛,耳聪目明。
The teacher was still alive , so he sought her out and asked the old but still alert lady what magic formula she had used to pull these boys out of the slums into successful achievement 这位老师目前仍健在,虽然年迈,但还是耳聪目明,教授找到她后,问她到底有何绝招,能让这些在贫民窟长大的孩子个个出人头地?