耸: 动词1.(耸立) tower aloft; rise straight up 短语和例子高耸入云 tower into the clouds; reach to the sky2.(引起注意; 使人吃惊) alarm; shock 短语和例子危言耸听 exaggerate things just to frighten people
耳目: 1.(见闻) what one sees and hears; knowledge; information 短语和例子耳目闭塞 ill-informed; ignorant; uninformed; 耳目所及 from what one sees and hears; from all one hears and sees; from what one knows2.(刺
耸人耳目: arrest [attract] public attention; deliberately exaggerate so as to create a sensation 短语和例子耸人耳目的谣言 a sensational rumour