| 1. | His emotions were intense, he knew awe and hunger . 他心潮汹涌,感到又是肃然起敬,又是急不可耐。 |
| 2. | It is an impressive reference and not a wholly false one . 这个单位令人肃然起敬,何况也不是完全瞎说。 |
| 3. | Babbitt was thrilled, but not so weighted with awe as to be silent . 巴比特肃然起敬,也还没到噤若寒蝉的地步。 |
| 4. | The world would have a different face for her and a deepened respect . 世人将会对她刮目相看,将会向她肃然起敬。 |
| 5. | Something of awe now stole over me, as i gazed upon this inflexible iron animal . 我凝视着这只顽固的铁兽,不觉有点肃然起敬了。 |
| 6. | No memorials commemorative of noble deeds arouse enthusiasm and reverence . 没有纪念丰功伟绩的碑碣可使人为之热血沸腾,肃然起敬。 |
| 7. | "but giuseppe was quite impressed when he found i taught at meadow," said miss blake . 可是朱塞佩知道我在牧草地教书时,他就肃然起敬。 |
| 8. | I had always conceived a burial at sea to be a very solemn and awe-inspiring event . 我向来以为海上的葬礼是非常严肃的,令人肃然起敬的事。 |
| 9. | His integrity and his analytical brilliance in cutting to the core of a problem were awesome . 他为人正直,他分析问题抓住要害的才能令人肃然起敬。 |
| 10. | Throughout the whole empire and the english-speaking world the name of new zealand is saluted . 在整个帝国和英语世界中,新西兰的名称令人肃然起敬。 |