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English translation for "肉食的"


Related Translations:
肉食动物:  carnivorescarnivorous animals
肉食兽:  beast of prey
肉食过多:  carnism
肉食品:  meat cuttermeat ware
肉食包装纸:  butcher's manilameat wrapper
肉食癖:  carnism
肉食店:  butcher's
肉食中毒:  meat poisoning
致命肉食:  dead meat
肉食甲:  adephage
Example Sentences:
1.Scavenging what the quality left
2.Roast potatoes and vegetables are prepared to go with the meat : the choice depends on the season
3.Did you know the recommended serving of cooked meat is 3 ounces , similar in size to a deck of playing cards
4.But people whose favorites are pizza and apple pie would give the meat - lovers a spirited argument
5.But the harmful effects of the meat diet are larger than life , not only that - to so many things , and harmful to ourselves
6.The fishing economy also had intimate relationships with the source of salt , which had the special function of meat preservation
7.When you kill or allow killing to satisfy your desire for meat , you collect karmic hindrance for which sooner or later you will pay
8.To make an easy transition for previous meat - eating pets , mix a small amount of vegetarian food in with usual food and increase daily until transition is complete from 1 day - 6 mos .
9.H5n1 has also been found in birds caught from the wild and traded internationally in large numbers to supply pet owners , hobbyists and zoos around the world , as well as being traded for food
10.A side effect of the industrial revolution was that meat became cheaper , storable , and easier to distribute . as these changes happened , meat consumption increased dramatically - and so did degenerative diseases like cancer , heart disease , and diabetes .
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