| 1. | We quietly asked the government to surrender the warrants to us at little or no cost . 我们静悄悄地请求政府以低廉的价格或无偿地把认股权证退还给我们。 |
| 2. | Overseas experience of bonds with warrants 海外附认股权证公司债券的发展及启示 |
| 3. | Finally , it sketches the financing tactics with the warrant 第二部分,认股权证与公司融资。 |
| 4. | Non - collateralized derivatives warrant 非抵押衍生认股权证 |
| 5. | Scope exists for a proportion of the fund to be invested in warrants 该基金之其中一部份将投资于认股权证。 |
| 6. | Notice of expiry of subscription rights attached to the warrants 2007 二零零七年认股权证所附认购权到期通告 |
| 7. | Warrant exercised listing method 行使认股权证 |
| 8. | We provide excellent remuneration including year - end bonus and share option 我们提供理想的薪酬年终双粮及认股权证。 |
| 9. | Warrant issue prospectus 认股权证发行章程 |
| 10. | We provide excellent remuneration including year - end bonus and share option 我们提供理想的薪酬、年终双粮及认股权证。 |