The grass about the margin at this season was a sight to remember long . 在这个季节中,池边草肥水美,那景色使人久久难以忘怀。
Effect of the factors of soil water and fertilizers on yield of spring corn in horqin sandy land 沙地农田肥水因子对春玉米产量形成的影响
In this paper , the techniques for perennial dongzao tree of not bearing fruits are introduced , such as fertilizer and water management , the technical methods of increasing fruit - bearing rate , winter pruning , and disease and pests control and so on 本文主要介绍多年不结果冬枣树的肥水管理、提高坐果率的技术措施、冬季修剪及病虫害防治技术。
For this reason , we should try to choose the carrot with deep color for higher content of carotenoids . during the anaphase of growing process of carrot , sowed in autumn , carrot is getting heavy and large in great steps 秋括胡萝卜在肉质根膨大过程中,前期膨大较平缓,到后用肉质根迅速膨大,因此存在一个肉质根迅速赐大期,在此期间应注意肥水的合理控制。
Those measures involved that in planting sugarcane , " three unifying " : varieties , planting standard and covering film ; " two emphasis " : fertilizer and water management ; " one key " : reaping cane stein as high sugar content 新植蔗抓实“三个统一,抓住两个重点,把握一个关键” ,即统一品种、统一种植规格、统一地膜覆盖;抓住肥水管理,培土防倒两个重点;把握快锄低砍,高糖入榨这个关键。
The results of the experiment showed that applying silicon fertilizer could improve the disease resistance , especially for the rice blast and changeable brown ear ; acquire high efficient tiller rate , high solid rate , big spike and could grow up at green stem 摘要试验研究表明,施用硅肥水稻抗病性明显增强,抗稻瘟病和褐变穗效果较好;施硅肥水稻有效分集率高、结实率高、穗大粗多、活秆成熟。
The sub - model for design of population density was developed according to the principle of determining boll number from target yield , fruit node from boll number , fruit branch from fruit node and population density from fruit branch by integrating the effects of sowing date , cutout date , effective temperature accumulation above 12 , variety type , and fertilizer and water management levels . sowing rate was then decided by integrating the effects of different soil water and salt contents , ph , temperature and sowing style on seedling emergence rate with relative weight method 基于“以产定铃、以铃定节、以节定枝、以枝定苗”的原理,同时考虑播种日期、打顶日期、 12的有效积温、品种株型特性、肥水管理水平差异等因素来确定适宜的种植密度;在此基础上,应用相对权重法计算土壤含水量、含盐量以及整地质量和播种方式等多个生态环境因子对出苗率的综合影响,进而确定播种量。