| 1. | To the world at large it seemed a glaring example of miscalculation, confusion, timidity, and muddle . 在一般人看来,它似乎是一个估计错误、部署混乱、临事怯懦和胡里胡涂的突出实例。 |
| 2. | Guess i ' m left to muddle along all alone 看来只好由得我一个人胡里胡涂了 |
| 3. | Guy gets a couple missions in latin america , and he ' s a julio lglesias 他不过去拉丁美洲执行了几个任务就变成小胡里奥了 |
| 4. | Indian border security force soldiers dance during holi festivities at the india - pakistan border of golpattan 在印度和巴基斯坦边境地区,胡里节期间印度边防士兵欢乐地跳舞。 |
| 5. | Nicolas burdisso , julio cesar , dejan stankovic and francesco toldo went through separate strength - building sessions 布尔迪索、胡里奥塞萨尔、斯坦科维奇和托尔多单独进行了力量训练。 |
| 6. | Revelers in gauhati , india toss colored powder and dye onto others to celebrate holi , also known as the festival of colors 在古瓦哈提街头,狂欢者们互相投掷颜料粉末来庆祝胡里节,它还有个别名叫色彩节。 |
| 7. | Indian girls throw gulal ( colored powder ) on each other during a hindi holiday which marks the onset of spring 意译:印度,新德里:彩色胡里节。印度的女孩子投抛彩色的粉末到其他的人当北印度的节日,那记号是春天有力的开始。 |
| 8. | Clad in shades of pink and white , celebrants of the indian festival of holi gather to watch a play in vrindavan in the northern indian state of uttar pradesh 在位于印度北部的北方邦的维伦达文,身着粉色和白色衣服以庆祝印度胡里节的人们正在观看演出。 |
| 9. | A woman in bhubaneswar , india , grinds brilliant red mineral pigments to powder on a stone pestle for holi , the indian festival of color 在印度的布巴内斯瓦尔,一名妇女正用石杵将亮红色的矿物颜料磨成粉末,用于印度的色彩节- -胡里节。转载翻译部分请注明天涯东方猪。 |
| 10. | During holi celebrants toss clouds of powdered pigments in shades of indigo , magenta , and saffron to celebrate the passion of hindu god krishna for his lover , radha 在胡里节期间,司仪会抛洒由靛蓝,洋红和金黄等颜色的颜料粉末,以赞美印度教里的神克利须那对他的爱人拉德哈的热恋。 |