The meiping in the song dynasty always the one with narrow out - curled mouth 其中,北方各窑生产的梅瓶丰肩,形体修长,胫部瘦削,秀丽挺拔。
Compared with that in the song dynasty , the meiping in the yuan dynasty , with narrow out - curled mouth , short neck , and out - stretched base , is much plumper 元代梅瓶造型为小口外折,短颈呈上窄下宽之梯形,肩部比宋代梅瓶更趋丰满,胫部也随之增大,至足部微外撇。
None of these figures have such a lock , and instead mostly have long and undressed hair , but it is unclear whether this lock was characteristic of all libyans 细节甚至去到战士胫部的纹身,虽然这些会对那些准备画纹身的人有帮助,但是我们感觉还是有点太夸张了。
Beneath this he wore trews of deerskin , roughly stitched with gut . his nether extremities were encased in high balbriggan buskins dyed in lichen purple , the feet being shod with brogues of salted cowhide laced with the windpipe of the same beast 胫部裹着染成苔紫色的高地巴尔布里艮49皮绑腿,脚蹬低跟镂花皮鞋,是用盐腌过的母牛皮制成的,并系着同一牲畜的气管做的鞋带。
“ even after experiencing one of the hardest days of the tour nothing has ever left me feeling this bad , ” he said at a post - race news conference . “ [ my shins ] started to hurt in the second half , but the bigger problem the last 7 or 8 miles was the tightness in my calves and thighs "即使在经历了环赛最艰苦的一天后,也没有什么让我感到如此疲惫"他在赛后新闻发布会上说道“ [我的胫部]在后半场比赛中开始发痛了,不过最后7到8英里最大的问题在于我的小腿肚和大腿肌肉紧绷了。