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English translation for "胸怀祖国"

have [keep] the entire motherland in mind 短语和例子

Related Translations:
胸怀:  mind; heart; breast 短语和例子革命者的伟大胸怀 a revolutionary's breadth of vision; 暖人胸怀的同志情谊 heartwarming comradeship; 胸怀开阔的政治家 a statesman with a great mind; 他胸怀开朗。 his bosom is clear
胸怀狭窄:  narrow-minded; small-minded
放宽胸怀:  be broad-minded
胸怀韬略:  one's bosom hides a strategy
胸怀磊落:  harboring no evil thought
胸怀全局:  have [keep] the overall situation in mind; have the general interest at heart; have the magnanimity to take in the situation as a whole; keep the whole situation in mind
胸怀坦白:  be frank and open; frank; bigness [largeness] of mind; free heart; openhearted; wear one's heart on one's sleeve
博大胸怀:  broadmindedgenerosity
胸怀宽广:  have largeness of mind; broad-minded; large-minded; liberal-minded
胸怀宽畅:  be cheerful in one's mind
Example Sentences:
1.While hong kong will always be their home , young people of hong kong today must be prepared to go to the mainland or even overseas , if they are to gain a firm foothold in their careers in this fast - changing world
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