满足化与适应性的合理决策: satisfying and adaptively rational decisionsatisfyingandadaptivelyrationaldecision
能源: the sources of energy; energy resources; energy source; energy◇能源短缺 energy shortage; 能源工业 energy industry; 能源构成 energysource composition; 能源管理 energy control; 能源合作 cooperation in the field
Sustainable development of energy utility and human residence 能源合理利用与人类住区的可持续发展
Domestic cooking appliances burning gas - part 2 - 1 : rational use of energy - general ; german version en 30 - 2 - 1 : 1998 a1 : 2003 ac : 2004 a2 : 2005 家用燃气灶具.第2 - 1部分:能源合理利用.总则
And the methods and measures of energy integration of steam power systems has been discussed in this paper . at the same time the design of the process with energy integration is carried out 3 、从能源合理利用与能量集成角度对乙烯改造进行了分析评价,讨论厂蒸汽动力系统能量集成的方法和措施,并对过程进行能量集成设计。