| 1. | Where is my body fat deposited and how is my health affected by fat distribution 我的脂肪积聚在身体哪个部位?我的健康如何受脂肪分布影响? |
| 2. | Excess cholesterol in blood may result in the build - up of fatty deposits in the blood vessels 血液里如果含有过量的胆固醇,会导致血管中的脂肪积聚。 |
| 3. | Excess cholesterol in blood may result in the build - up of fatty deposits in the blood vessels 血液里如果含有过量的胆固醇,会导致血管中的脂肪积聚。 |
| 4. | One should not eat too much . overeating leads to intake of excess calories , which will make you fat and increase the burden on your heart 健康饮食之道在乎均衡,而且要适可而止。暴饮暴食,容易造成热量过剩,脂肪积聚,引致肥胖,增加心脏负荷。 |
| 5. | The waist - hip ratio is related to the risks for cardiovascular diseases . a high ratio suggests that most of the body fat is accumulated around the waist , which means there is an increased risk for cardiovascular diseases 腰臀围比值与患上心血管病的风险有关,过高的比值显示大部分的脂肪积聚在腰部,会增加患上心血管病的风险。 |
| 6. | The coronary arteries serve to supply oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscle . when the arteries become narrow and stiff because of fatty plaques , this will affect the circulation to the heart and results in the damage of the heart muscle . what causes it 冠状动脉是负责输送氧气及养份到心脏肌肉的血管,当这条重要血管因脂肪积聚而收窄及硬化,便会影响心脏的血流,心肌也可能因血流减少而受到损害。 |
| 7. | Of note is that it also matters where your body stores the excess fat . researches show that people who have most of their fat stored around their waiststummies ( apple - shaped ) will have a higher risk of having heart disease and diabetes mellitus than those who carry it around their hips ( pear - shaped ) 此外,身体脂肪聚积的部位也要留意。研究显示那些腰腹部积聚了大量脂肪(身型呈苹果形状)的人士,患心脏病及糖尿病的机会往往会较那些脂肪积聚在臀部(身型呈啤梨形状)的人士高。 |
| 8. | " by eating a variety of grains , vegetables , fruits , meat and dairy products in moderate amount . fruits and tang yuan without filling are low fat seasonal food but indulgence is still not advised because they are high in carbohydrate which can raise blood sugar level and can be deposited as body fat leading to obesity 水果和没有馅料的汤圆是较低脂的应节食品,但过量进食亦会使身体吸收过多碳水化合物,易令血糖上升,多余的碳水化合物也会转化为脂肪积聚于体内;因此,肥胖人士及糖尿病患者要控制进食量。 |