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English translation for "脑刺激"

brain stimulation

Related Translations:
无关刺激:  indifferent stimulus
刺激试验:  irritant test
刺激阀:  limenstimulus salve
共同刺激:  costimulationcosupression
刺激疗法:  irritation therapystimulation therapy
刺激区:  stimulation area
制约刺激:  conditioned stimulusconditioning stimulus
脉冲刺激:  impulse stimulationpulse stimulation
功能刺激:  functional stimulus
多维刺激:  multidimensional stimuli
Example Sentences:
1.Some patients are not good candidates for dbs because of their susceptibility to infection from the stimulator implants
2.Emf brain stimulation may be encoded so that pulsating em signals sent to the targets brain cause audio - visual effects which only the target experiences
3." the interim updrs scores are highly promising and , if they are borne out with additional data , would be comparable to results seen with deep brain stimulation
他还说: “暂时性updrs分数显示相当有希望,如果能够得到更多数据支持的话,这一结果可以与深度脑刺激的结果相媲美。
4.The pedunculopontine nucleus has recently been introduced as a new therapeutic target for deep brain stimulation in patients suffering from parkinson ' s disease , particularly those with severe gait and postural impairment
5.New advances in the pharmacological and surgical treatment of neurologic diseases ( eg . botulinum toxin therapy , deep brain stimulation , motor cortex stimulation , etc ) , and future development of cellular restorative therapy
包括神经疾病药物及手术治疗的最新进展(如肉毒杆菌素治疗、深部脑刺激术、脑部运动皮质刺激术等) ,及神经再生治疗的未来发展。
6.Therefore , we looked for and demonstrated evidence of low frequency synchronization of activity in the pedunculopontine nucleus of a patient with parkinson ' s disease that increased after treatment with dopamine and which might be mimicked by local deep brain stimulation at low frequency
7.Meanwhile emory university physicians , who have lent the cubans imaging expertise for their studies and have served as co - authors on scientific papers , had already made a commitment to deep - brain stimulation by the time of the first surgery in cuba
8.This excessive synchronization correlates with motor deficit , and its suppression by dopaminergic therapies , ablative surgery or deep - brain stimulation might provide the basic mechanism whereby diverse therapeutic strategies ameliorate motor impairment in patients with parkinson ' s disease
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