| 1. | The glimmer of an idea formed in his mind . 一个想法突然闪现在他的脑际。 |
| 2. | Tatlock's grinning face danced through my mind . 塔特洛克呲牙裂嘴的笑脸在我脑际回旋。 |
| 3. | The swift fate of holand was in all our minds . 荷兰的急转直下的结局一直在我们的脑际萦回。 |
| 4. | Soon after, they returned to what was on all their minds . 很快,他们又回到萦绕大家脑际的问题。 |
| 5. | She felt it mean to think the thoughts that ran through her head . 她觉得掠过她脑际的这种思想是卑下的。 |
| 6. | When a question on that had rushed upon me, i flung it off . 每当这样一个问题突然涌上我的脑际,我连忙把它甩掉。 |
| 7. | Finally, i lifted from my mind the constant preoccupation with military problems . 最后,我终于丢开了萦绕脑际的军事问题。 |
| 8. | A new idea suddenly came to him, but the absurdity of it made him laugh . 一种新的想法突然来到他的脑际,但这种想法的荒谬性使得他大笑起来。 |
| 9. | Sleep enveloped him like the swathing mirages that were wrestling with the brilliance of the lagoon . 睡意笼罩着他,就象缠绵脑际的蜃楼幻影正在同五光十色的环礁湖景致一比高低。 |
| 10. | Bertha was yet able to realize her terrified wonder as one possibility and another rushed through her brain . 伯莎先还只是把这种惊恐当成一种可能性,但接着另一种想法又掠过她的脑际。 |