This recipe is a good replacement of rice with preserved meat 喜欢腊味饭的人士不妨转换口味试做这个菜饭。
Stir fry squid and broccoli 西芹炒腊味
Offers custom food manufacturing , including chicken , beef , shrimp and fish . located in tucson , arizona -主要生产腊味制品,晒制天然猪肠衣,加工经销各种规格路份的盐渍肠衣。
The department releases findings of a risk assessment of lap mei , which examined the risks associated with the use of preservatives and colouring matters 本署研究腊味含有防腐剂和色素的潜在风险,并公布风险评估结果。
The department releases findings of a risk assessment of lap mei , which examined the risks associated with the use of preservatives and colouring matters 本署研究腊味含有防腐剂和色素的潜在风险,并公布风险评估结果。
Avoid salty and preserved or pickled foods such as salted eggs , salted fish , fermented soya beans , oyster sauce , smoked meats , fermented bean curd , and so on 不宜吃太多高盐份或腌制的食物,如咸蛋、咸鱼、豆鼓、豪油、腊味、腐乳等。
Avoid dishes with cured meat or preserved ingredients , such as sausages , salted fish , salted egg , and pickled vegetables , such as sauerkraut pickled cabbage and pickled olives 宜减少点选经腌制的肉类和配菜,如腊味、咸鱼、咸蛋、榨菜、雪菜、梅菜等。
Avoid dishes with cured meat or preserved ingredients , such as sausages , salted fish , salted egg , and pickled vegetables , such as sauerkraut ( pickled cabbage ) and pickled olives 宜减少点选经腌制的肉类和配菜,如腊味、咸鱼、咸蛋、榨菜、雪菜、梅菜等。
The dumplings , which range in price from hk 35 to hk 98 , are made of the very best ingredients and range in flavor from salty to sweet , from meat to vegetarian 传统的家乡粽,以传统的用料如猪肉虾米腊味咸蛋黄冬菇绿豆等烹调而成,是家家户户必备的应节食品。