Preserved or salty food , such as sausages , salted eggs and preserved vegetables 腌制或者过咸食物:例如腊肠、咸鱼、腐乳
Discussion on the change of main composition of shaoxing sufu during the fermentation 绍兴腐乳发酵过程中主要成分变化的探讨
Producers of hot sauces , marinades , rubs , salsas , vinaigrettes , habanero sauces , and dry seasoning mixes -产品有酱油食醋酱料酒腐乳复合调味料粤式调味品7大类。
Fermented soybean curd , a highly flavoured and nutrition food , is a traditional chinese fermented food and are widely consumed by the world 摘要腐乳是我国传统的发酵豆制品,以其独特的风味、丰富的营养等特点受到很多国家的推崇。