| 1. | I have got a thing about men with beards . 我腻味留胡子的人。 |
| 2. | It was slow, tedious work . 这种活儿是干不快的,而且又腻味。 |
| 3. | Other people's dreams are very boring . 别人的梦听来很腻味。 |
| 4. | They're all good and wonderful and dull as hell . 他们全是大好人,但就是叫人腻味得要死。 |
| 5. | The country bores me . 我顶腻味乡下。 |
| 6. | It was tiresome and unfair and her brother was sick of it . 这真叫人腻味,而且也不公平,她哥哥对此可是厌烦了。 |
| 7. | He has lived in a vacuum for eighteen years, cloyed by the representative and unique longings of any youth . 他离群独处生活了18年,腻味了年轻人那一套典型而独特的追求。 |
| 8. | He has lived in a vacuum for eighteen years, cloyed by the representative and unique longings of any youth . 他在真空中生活了十八年,腻味了年轻人那一套典型的、独特的向往和追求。 |
| 9. | Her talk began to pall on us all 她的讲话逐渐使大家觉得腻味。 |
| 10. | Tired of our company , hey ? 跟我们在一起嫌腻味啦,是不是? ” |