闪: Ⅰ动词1.(躲闪; 闪避) dodge; get out of the way 短语和例子东躲西闪 dodge about; 闪到树后 dodge behind a tree; 往旁边一闪 dodge swiftly to one side; jump out of the way; 车来了, 快闪开! look out ! a truck's coming ! get o
腿: 名词1.(下肢) leg 短语和例子小腿 shank; 大腿 thigh; 后腿 hindleg; 前腿 foreleg2.(像腿的支撑部分) a leglike support 短语和例子床腿 legs of a bed3.(指火腿) ham 短语和例子云腿 yunnan ham