| 1. | Design of automatic irrigation system of roof greening 屋顶绿化的自动灌溉系统设计 |
| 2. | Agricultural irrigation equipment - automatic irrigation systems - hydraulic control 农业灌溉设备自动灌溉系统水力控制 |
| 3. | Irrigation techniques - automatic turf irrigation systems - part 3 : automatic control and system management 灌溉技术.草地自动灌溉系统.第3部分:自动控制和系统管理 |
| 4. | Irrigation techniques - automatic turf irrigation systems - part 4 : installation and acceptance ; german version en 12484 - 4 : 2002 灌溉技术.草坪自动灌溉系统.第4部分:安装和验收;德 |
| 5. | Irrigation techniques - automatic turf irrigation systems - part 5 : testing methods of systems ; german version en 12484 - 5 : 2002 灌溉技术.草坪自动灌溉系统.第5部分:系统的试验方法 |
| 6. | Irrigation techniques - automatic turf irrigation systems - part 1 : definition of the programme of equipment of the owner ; german version en 12484 - 1 : 1999 灌溉方法.草皮自动灌溉系统.第1部分:设备所有者确定 |
| 7. | Examples are building - integrated photovoltaic panels installed at the wanchai tower , emsd headquarters , the fire station at penny bay on lantau island , castle peak hospital redevelopment phase ii , and science park ; the solar panels installed at the braemar hill fire station for water heating ; the automatic irrigation system powered by a photovoltaic system installed on hill slopes at kau shat wan ; and the wind energy and solar energy systems installed to support remote weather stations 例如:湾仔政府大楼、机电工程署新总部、大屿山竹篙湾消防局、青山医院第二期重建和科学园设有附设于建筑物的光伏系统;宝马山消防局使用太阳能热水系统;狗虱湾的斜坡自动灌溉系统靠光伏系统供电,偏远的气象站则同时采用风能和太阳能。 |
| 8. | To beautify these parts of the island further , colour paving blocks with large shrubs have been positioned at intervals at road verges ; construction of special rock features with selected plants to blend in with the airport s automated irrigation system were added and 1000 palm trees were also planted along the eastern coastline 两旁路面铺砌的彩色砖块令人赏心悦目,沿途种植的大型灌木亦错落有致。别致的石块加上精心挑选的草木,与机场的自动灌溉系统浑为一体。机场岛东岸更种植了1 , 000棵棕榈树。 |