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Home > chinese-english > "自古嫦娥爱少年" in English

English translation for "自古嫦娥爱少年"

from of old, young nymphs have preferred youth to age

Related Translations:
嫦娥:  (神话中由人间飞到月亮上去的仙女) the goddess of the moon (the lady in the legend who swallowed the elixir stolen from her husband and flew to the moon)
自古:  ancient timestime immemorial
嫦娥工程:  chinese lunar exploration program
嫦娥下凡:  the goddess of the moon has left paradise and come down to the world of men
粉嫦娥彩:  fenchangocai
白嫦娥彩:  baichangocai
嫦娥奔月:  the goddess chang's fly to the moon (with the elixir of life, chased by her famous archer-husband)
嫦娥一号:  chang'e 1chang'e i
红嫦娥彩:  hongchangocai
花嫦娥彩:  huachangocai
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