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English translation for "自命清高"

acting as if one is morally better than other people; have a holier-than-thou manner

Related Translations:
自命:  consider oneself; regard oneself as 短语和例子自命为历史学家 consider oneself a historian; profess to be a historian
自命为:  pretend to
自命先知:  set oneself up for [as] a prophet
清高:  aloof from politics and material pursuits; self-contained; pure and lofty 短语和例子自鸣清高 profess to be above politics and worldly considerations; 做出清高超然的样子 hold oneself aloof
自命军政权:  self-denominated military junta
自命的演员:  a would-be actor
自命为历史学家:  consider oneself a historian
清高宗:  kao-tsungqianlong emperor
aloof清高:  aloof from politics and material pursuits; self-contained; pure and lofty 短语和例子自鸣清高 profess to be above politics and worldly considerations; 做出清高超然的样子 hold oneself
清高超拔:  lofty and surpassing
Example Sentences:
1.He took his pleasures in general singly .
2.Lean , he lay back . shy , deny thy kindred , the unco guid
出于羞涩,否定你的同族吧, 397你这个自命清高的人。
3.If the tradition of ambition is to have vitality , it must be widely shared ; and it especially must be highly regarded by people who are themselves admired , the educated not least among them
4.Modernism in the anglo - saxon world began as a reaction against certain qualities of smugness , earnestness and self - righteousness that walter pater and the aesthetes perceived to be the dominant tone of victorian literature
Similar Words:
"自命不凡的小官" English translation, "自命不凡的小官吏" English translation, "自命不凡的小官员" English translation, "自命的演员" English translation, "自命军政权" English translation, "自命清高、表现得与众不同的人" English translation, "自命为" English translation, "自命为历史学家" English translation, "自命先知" English translation, "自摸" English translation