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English translation for "自天而降"

descend from heaven; come from nowhere

Related Translations:
:  降动词1.(投降) surrender; capitulate 短语和例子宁死不降 rather die than surrender2.(降伏) subdue; vanquish; tame 短语和例子一物降一物。 there is always one thing to conquer [overcome] another.
Example Sentences:
1.This was just one of those happy accidents that happens on its own .
2.The dawns were heralded by the descent of a chill stillness .
3.He was lucky in the fact that opportunity tumbled into his lap, as it were .
4.It never fails , it stands
5.After all , hagrid arrives on “ a huge motorcycle [ that ] fell out of the air ” ( ss1 )
毕竟,海格到达时“一辆巨型摩托自天而降” (魔法石,第1章) 。
6.Three years before her initiation , she was praying at a temple and saw a bright being dressed in yellow descending from the sky . at the time , she did not know who the being was
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