| 1. | You can implement a custom class to supply and validate 可以实现自定义类来提供和验证 |
| 2. | Class , you can optionally override the 类继承的自定义类,则可以选择重写 |
| 3. | Upgrading applications that use custom class loaders >升级使用自定义类加载程序的应用程序 |
| 4. | It is also used when creating a custom class that extends 的自定义类时也可以使用此枚举。 |
| 5. | To use the custom classloader approach is easy 的代码以使用自定义类加载器方法是很容易的。 |
| 6. | This can be a custom class that derives from the 类派生的自定义类。 |
| 7. | This is also true for any custom class that inherits from the 类的任何自定义类,情况亦是如此。 |
| 8. | You can also create custom identity classes by implementing the 还可以通过在自己的自定义类中实现 |
| 9. | Gets or sets the fully qualified type of a custom class that implements 的自定义类的完全限定类型。 |
| 10. | Class and store an instance in the 类继承的自定义类,并在 |