| 1. | Fabrication progress of rare earth doped oxysulfide phosphors 半导体自旋电子学的研究与应用进展 |
| 2. | The most exciting developments in semiconductor spintronics will probably be devices we have not imagined yet 半导体自旋电子学的发展最令人兴奋之处,莫过于我们有可能发现一些现在还想像不到的新元件。 |
| 3. | Whether one looks at the near term for tomorrow ' s consumer electronics or at the more distant prospect of quantum computing , spintronics promises to be revolutionary 无论从近程的消费性电子产品或是远程的量子计算来看,自旋电子学肯定都是革命性的发展。 |
| 4. | Thereafter , the current development of the investigation on semiconductor spintronics and its applications in the electron spin devices and realization of quantum computers are reported in this paper 综述了半导体自旋电子学目前的研究进展及其在自旋电子器件和量子信息处理中的应用。 |
| 5. | A key research question for this second category of spintronics is how well electrons can maintain a specific spin state when traveling through a semiconductor or crossing from one material to another 当电子通过半导体,或在不同物质间传导时,如何保持特定的自旋态,则是第二类自旋电子学研究中的关键问题。 |
| 6. | Indeed , a recent series of unexpected discoveries appears to support our hunch that semiconductor spintronics provides a feasible path for developing quantum computers and other quantum information machines 最近一些非预期的发现也支持了这种想法,显示出要发展量子电脑及其他量子资讯设备,半导体自旋电子学的确提供了一条可行的途径。 |
| 7. | The goal is to promote the centre to be one of the leading centres in the asia pacific region engaging in cutting - edge research in theoretical physics such as novel states in condensed matters , spin - based transport , and quantum computing and information theory 中心从事崭新性理论物理研究,研究项目包括新物质态、自旋电子学、量子计算及信息理论等,目标是建立中心在亚太区内的领导地位。 |
| 8. | A brief introduction to semiconductor spintronics that includes magnetic semiconductor , magnetic / semiconductor compound structures , spin phenomena in the non - magnetic semiconductor quantum well and nanostructures , and spin injection into semiconductor etc . is given 摘要简单介绍了半导体自旋电子学的研究对象和内容,主要包括磁性半导体、磁性半导体复合结构、非磁性半导体量子阱和纳米结构中的自旋现象,以及半导体的自旋注入等。 |
| 9. | In their quest to build a computer that would take advantage of the weirdness of quantum mechanics , physicists are pursuing a number of disparate technologies , including superconducting devices , photon - based systems , quantum dots , spintronics and nuclear magnetic resonance of molecules 物理学家想尽各种办法,希望能利用量子力学的奇异特性来建造出量子电脑,其中包括超导装置、光子系统、量子点、自旋电子学,以及分子的核磁共振。 |
| 10. | Magneto - electronics lies in the area of current scientific interest in condensed matter physics and material sciences , due to abundant physical conceptions and applied potentials . it is a base of magnetic devices with high density and sensitivity . recently , non - volatile magnetic computer memory ( mram ) is expected to have a large economic impact , and has been significantly focused on its experimenatal research 目前,非挥发性磁存储记忆器件?磁存储器magneticrandomaccessmemory ( mram )的研究和开发已成为自旋电子学研究的主要应用目标;而在室温和低磁场下,具有足够大的磁电阻( mr )效应成为实现mram器件应用的前提。 |