English translation for "舌齿"
- [脊椎] hyoid tooth
◇舌齿音 [语言学] linguo-dental
Related Translations:
舌: 名词1.(舌头) tongue (of a human being or animal)2.(像舌的东西) sth. shaped like a tongue 短语和例子火舌 tongues of flame; 帽舌 peak (of a cap); visor; 鞋舌 the tongue of a shoe; 喉舌 mouthpiece3.(姓氏) a surname 舌痕舌: glossarxesis with teeth mark
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The tooth often bites the tongue , and yet they stay together 舌齿经常摩擦,但仍能共存。 | | 2. | Map 2 shows the distribution of the consonant systems corresponding to the mc distinctions . a plausible scenario of the change is proposed by an analysis of the distribution of the relevant phonological features 第2图反映“等位” 、 “内外”等的音韵条件在“舌齿音二三等”声母读音上的表现,是历史音韵地图。 |
- Similar Words:
- "舌颤动" English translation, "舌长,舌出" English translation, "舌成形术" English translation, "舌匙" English translation, "舌弛缓性哑" English translation, "舌齿音" English translation, "舌齿鱼科" English translation, "舌齿鲈" English translation, "舌虫" English translation, "舌臭" English translation