| 1. | Member , committee on financial assistance for family members of those who sacrifice their lives to save others 向舍身救人者家属提供经济援助委员会委员 |
| 2. | Appointments to committee on financial assistance for family members of those who sacrifice their lives to save others 向舍身救人者家属提供经济援助委员会成员任命 |
| 3. | Training and welfare fund for the hospital authority " and financial assistance for family members of those who sacrifice their lives to save others 医院管理局培训和福利基金及向舍身救人者家属提供经济援助 |
| 4. | The forefather set down this rule against goose - meat eating in the family in order to show his gratitude for the sacrificial act of the white goose 先辈为了感恩白鹅舍身救人的义举,便立下这个不吃鹅肉的家规。 |
| 5. | The scheme was set up in january 2002 to provide financial assistance to family members of those who sacrifice their lives to save or protect others 向舍身救人者家属提供经济援助计划于二二年一月成立,旨在发放经济援助予舍身拯救或保护他人者的家属。 |
| 6. | The scheme was set up in january 2002 to provide financial assistance to family members of those , who sacrifice their lives to save or protect others 向舍身救人者家属提供经济援助计划于二二年一月成立,旨在发放经济援助予向舍身拯救或保护他人者家属。 |
| 7. | " all four have sacrificed their lives to save others . the high levels of professionalism displayed , as well as their selfless devotion to the hong kong community , command our greatest respect 向舍身救人者家属提供经济援助委员会主席杨永强医生说:这四名人士均为拯救他人而献出了自己的生命。 |
| 8. | Supplementary provision of $ 22 million in 2003 - 04 to the health , welfare and food bureau under head 149 subhead 846 for providing financial assistance to family members of those who sacrifice their lives to save others 在2003至04年度于总目149分目846项下追加拨款2 , 200万元,作为?生福利及食物局向舍身救人者家属提供的经济援助金。 |
| 9. | A total of $ 3 million would be provided to the bereaved family members of dr thomas cheung sik - hin , an ear nose and throat surgeon in the private practice , under the financial assistance scheme for family members of those who sacrifice their lives to save others 政府会在向舍身救人者家属提供经济援助计划下向张锡宪医生(一名耳鼻喉科的私家医生)的家人提供共三百万元的经济援助。 |