| 1. | Film-making is now accepted as an art-form . 电影制片现已公认是一种艺术形式。 |
| 2. | As in all genres, the musical has had its share of failures . 同任何其他艺术形式一样,歌舞剧也难免有失败的例子。 |
| 3. | The motion picture is highly complex art form which combines many other arts . 电影是一种熔多种艺术为一炉的综合艺术形式。 |
| 4. | Dance should not be just an interlude between songs but should be self-sufficient . 舞蹈不应只是歌曲间的穿插表演而应成为独立的艺术形式。 |
| 5. | To an even greater extent than that of england, the american drama of the nineteenth century was a bastard art-form . 十九世纪的美国戏剧作为一种驳杂的艺术形式,更甚于英国。 |
| 6. | Whatever changes are brought about, motion pictures will always remain an important american art form and a significant cultural force . 不管发生了什么变化,电影将永远是美国的一种重要的艺术形式和重要的文化力量。 |
| 7. | For most of them, ideology requires too many simplifications in the forms of art; and the threat of totalitarianism, on the left or on the right, makes official views of reality suspect . 在他们中的大多数人看来,意识形态在艺术形式中的表现要求简化的地方大多了,而极权主义的威胁,不管左的或右的都使人对现实的正统看法产生怀疑。 |
| 8. | Most art allows very little participation 绝大多数艺术形式几乎不具备互动性。 |
| 9. | They eventually developed their own solo art form 他们甚至演变到独唱的艺术形式。 |
| 10. | Approaches to the art form of internet advertisements 互联网广告艺术形式研究 |