We always have time enough , if we will but use it aright 只要我们苌朴檬奔洌?陀涝恫怀钍奔洳还挥谩
Comparison of theoretic essentials between chang - style martial skills and traditional taichi 苌氏武技与传统太极拳学理精点比较
Shin mh , kita h , park hy . cysteine protease secreted by paragonimus westermani : attenuates efector functions of human eosinophils stimulated with immunoglobulin g [ j ] . infect immun , 2001 , 69 ( 3 ) : 1599 严涛,张惠群,董苌安.卫氏并殖吸虫在小鼠体内的检虫情况与感染次数和感染量的关系[ j ] .中国血吸虫病防治杂志, 1993 , 5 ( 5 ) 279
The theory of chang - style boxing emphasizes the " importance of chi " both in terms of skills and internal cultivation , whereas that of taichi boxing emphasizes " giving up the chi & following the man " and " continuity of gas as a whole " 苌家拳的学理体系无论技法、还是内炼讲求“气的重要性” ,传统太极拳的学理体系则讲求“舍自从人”及“一气贯通” 。