[ kǔzhōngzuòlè ] enjoy life though hard up; enjoy in adversity; enjoy ... in the midst of sorrow and adversity; enjoy oneself despite poverty; find happiness in suffering; find pleasure during [in spite of] bitterness -- to console oneself; seek pleasure in sorrow; seek pleasure under adverse circumstances (in sorrow); seize as much pleasure as possible amidst suffering and pain; sweeten the bitterness of destiny; try to be happy amidst adverse circumstances
Example Sentences:
Or could it be a reflection of the artists great sarcasm 是苦中作乐抑或是无奈加讽刺的反映
I had to swallow the bitter fruit of my own harvest . i smiled with tears and cheered as i sobbed 到头来,独自强吞苦果苦中作乐,纵是笑语也含泪,欢声亦伤怀。
Robert frost was thinking in something like the same terms when he spoke of “ the pleasure of taking pains ” 罗伯特?弗罗斯特正是在考虑到同样的感悟时,他说出了“苦中作乐” ,大体如此。
Christmas 2046 , the 82 years old ah kim look down to the victoria " river " at the peak of hong kong and stopped a teenager from abusing the use of the " forget love pill " . this teenager , lo lik si , is trying to forget a painful relationship , but ah kim advises him to find happiness in his harsh time . after harsh training , everyone can have some good memories , just as ah kim passed her harsh time during the year 2003 . . 2046年圣诞节, 82岁的阿金吴君如在俯瞰维多利亚河的太平山山顶,及时制止失恋青年卢力士滥用精神科药物忘情丸卢力士意图忘记一段刻骨铬心的痛苦爱情,阿金却奉劝青年人要懂得苦中作乐,皆因痛苦的历? ,往往能够成就美好的回忆,就如阿金一生中最苦的2003年一样
Then there was a dispute about who saw the dead boys last in life , and many claimed that dismal distinction , and offered evidences , more or less tampered with by the witness ; and when it was ultimately decided who did see the departed last , and exchanged the last words with them , the lucky parties took upon themselves a sort of sacred importance , and were gaped at and envied by all the rest 接着他们就谁最后看见那些失踪的孩子展开一场争论。许多孩子真是苦中作乐,争着抢头功,并且提出了一些证据,被证人添油加醋地说了一番。最后公布结果时,那些被认为是最后看到过死者并和他们讲了话的幸运者便摆出一副了不起的样子,其余的人则张着嘴望着他们,羡慕得不得了。