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English translation for "英勇奋战"

fight bravely; put up a fearless fight

Related Translations:
奋战:  fight bravely 短语和例子日夜奋战 struggle hard day and night; 浴血奋战 fight a bloody battle; 英勇奋战 fight bravely
英勇:  heroic; valiant; brave; courageous; gallant 短语和例子英勇奋斗 fight heroically; 英勇行为 heroic conduct; 他由于英勇而获得一枚奖章。 he received a medal for his heroism
英勇号:  valiant, u.s.s
英勇打击:  improve heroic strike
英勇事迹:  heroic deeds
无比英勇:  unrivaled in bravery
英勇无敌:  (be a warrior whom) no one can withstand
英勇对敌:  face the enemy valiantly
英勇地:  valiantly
英勇善战:  be brave and skillful in battle; be bold and able to fight; courageous and skillful in battle; heroic and combatworthy
Example Sentences:
1.Henry put up a good fight , but was beaten
2.They performed prodigies of valor
3.We are here to honor the dead , who fought bravely for our country
4.Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us the choice of brave resistance or the most abject submission
5.Now the aliens launch a genocidal war against an unsuspecting earth , using their ability to take over human bodies to allow them to move freely
6.In the " wallace " film , which topped both the u . s . and uk box office charts and in march won an oscar for best animated feature film , the plasticine heroes battle a mutant rabbit bent on destroying their home town ' s annual giant vegetable contest
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